Donate to our Scholarship Fund

from $5.00

Please support our students and our teaching artists by making a donation to the Pomegranate Garden Scholarship Fund!

Pomegranate Garden has a “no-one-turned-away” policy to give all dancers the freedom to dance regardless of their financial situation. Pomegranate Garden Dance has over 300 Iranian dancers that are registered and 78 other dancers on scholarships ranging from $0-$9 classes. 

Although we strongly believe in our policy to give everyone the opportunity to dance, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to continue, as our teaching artists are suffering due to lack of compensation for their time and expertise. In order to sustain this policy we need support from the community, from you!

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This platform was first created as a reaction to shelter-in-place due to Covid as a way to help teachers survive and sustain their profession/art, and at the same time help the community begin to heal, and foster positive energy through dance and music. It was also a way for us to connect dancers to expert teachers, most from the countries of origin, to share their knowledge of Persian & Central Asian Dance.

In addition to dance classes, Pomegranate Garden also hosts cultural lectures from scholars because we believe in learning not just the dance but the history, culture and music that are an integral part of the dance. We also offer Persian Singing classes & and Persian Drumming Classes. More classes are being added as the platform grows.

Pomegranate Garden has a “no-one-turned-away.” For some of our students, these classes are their only emotional outlet in these stressful times. Many wake-up at 4:00 in the morning to take class due to the time difference between Iran and California. It is their dedication and their need to dance that drives them. 

Although we strongly believe in our policy to give everyone the opportunity to dance, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to continue, as our teaching artists are suffering due to lack of compensation for their time and expertise. In order to sustain this policy we need support from the community, from you! If you believe in our cause to bring positive energy to the community through dance and music, please consider donating to this scholarship fund for dancers who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend classes. 

Below is some statistical information about our students:

As of 2/28/21 Pomegranate Garden Dance has over 300 Iranian dancers that are registered and 78 other dancers on scholarships ranging from $0-$9 classes. 

Teachers from: Azerbaijan, Canada, France, Germany, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, USA

Students are from over 60 different countries around the world, some include:
Australia, India, Bahrain, Iran, Canada, Netherlands, France, Poland, Philippines, Russia, Chile, Morocco, China, Japan, Pakistan, England, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, Tunisia, Korea, Ireland, Italy, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, Czechia, Portugal, Singapore, Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Republic of Lithuania, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Greece, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Peru, Latvia, Puerto Rico, Qatar, and more!